Contact Cheryl Hentz at cheryl@thecasa.org for more information.
GCYP Young Adult Summit
Saturday, October 5, 2024 | 12:00 to 8:30 pm
GenZ and Millennials older than 18
Registration required at a mere $20 per person!
Event opens at 11 am | Young Adult Mass at noon
Breakout Speakers | Prayer Experiences | Exhibitors
What to bring to the event!
Want to take notes? Bring note taking materials!
Water Bottle - we will have water available to refill throughout campus.
Lunch is not provided, however, we will have a bagel and coffee bar as well as many snacks.
Dinner is provided at Grimaldi's in Old Town Scottsdale. Transportation to the restaurant is not provided.
The FRC Gift Shop has other drinks and snacks for purchase.
Schedule and Rooms
GCYP YA Summit Schedule: 12:00 to 8:30 pm
11:00 am Welcome and Check In
12:00 pm Mass & Opening in Auditorium
1:00 to 4:30 pm Refreshments at Poolside
1:30 pm Breakout Session 1
Contemplation in the Desert - Michael Powell and Patti Sills-Trausch in the Meditation Chapel and Healing Garden
Vatican Observatory, A Legacy of Faith and Science - James Renn in Piper Hall Serra room
Moral Scrupulosity and its Treatment - Mitch Krmpotich, LCSW in Guadalupe room
Discovering Gods plans for us. Jeremiah 29:11 - AJ Carter in Tekakwitha room
2:00 to 3:00 pm Confession available in the church
3:00 pm Breakout Session 2
Christlike Leadership Principles for Young Adults - Jack Toth in Piper Hall Serra room
A Vision of Hope in the Life of St. Francis - Br. Tony Luevano in Tekakwitha room
Called to Charity and Justice - Abigail Standish in Guadalupe room
4:30 pm Prayer experiences, Exploring, and Exhibitors​
6:00 pm Dinner begins at Grimaldi's Coal Brick-Oven Pizzeria located at 4000 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85251
6:30 pm Closing Keynote Catholic Dating in the Age of Swiping Left or Right and raffle!
As we live out one aspect of our Franciscan values of caring for creation, we ask that you join us in our efforts to be mindful of what we can recycle. We are making a special effort this year to go the extra step and recycle all the snack wrapper packaging.
Please look for the recycling containers in each of the session rooms and at poolside.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Casa Habitat for Humanity
Peace Ministry
Casa Valley Interfaith Project
Just Scripture
Contemplation in the Desert
Café Justo
St. Anthony Foundation
Young Catholic Professionals
Vatican Observatory Foundation
DOP Office of Catholic Social Teaching
DOP Mental Health Ministry
Kino Institute
Casa Faith Formation
Closing Keynote Speaker
Our closing dinner and speaker will present at Grimaldi's Coal Brick-Oven Pizzeria
located at 4000 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Must registration to attend Closing Keynote Speaker session.
$20 registration fee includes dinner at Grimaldi's.
Catherine Fowler Sample
Catholic Dating in the Age of Swiping Left or Right
Did you know for the first time in history 50% of America is single? Catherine Fowler Sample (writer and producer of The Dating Project) will talk about how we got here and what we can do to win at love—while keeping our faith—in a world gone wrong.
Her talk will cover:
Why is dating such a mess?
Pitfalls of modern dating and how to avoid them
​How to date wisely and well

Catherine Fowler Sample is an Emmy award-winning filmmaker and Catholic author. She is known for writing and producing The Dating Project (available on Amazon), which explores the collapse in courtship culture in the era of hanging out, hooking up, social media, and digital dating. In her recent book, Gather Together (Ave Maria Press), Catherine aims to help people revive "relationship culture" by building community through faith and food around the table. She and her husband live in Arizona with their three daughters.
Book Recommendation: Gather Together by Catherine Fowler Sample
Breakout Session Speakers

Mitch Krmpotich, LCSW
Moral Scrupulosity and its Treatment
Many young Catholics struggle with moral scrupulosity. In this presentation, Mitch Krmpotich, a licensed clinical social worker, will discuss the definition and treatment for moral scrupulosity. How does it differ from a healthy sense of guilt? How does it show up in a world where we have more access to information than ever before? What can you do about it clinically and spiritually? Have any saints struggled with scrupulosity? We will discuss these questions and more!
Book Recommendation: Can Christianity Cure Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? by Ian Osborn MD

A.J. Carter – Assistant Coordinator of Parish Catechesis
Discovering Gods plans for us. Jeremiah 29:11
A.J. will be sharing on how to discern God’s Plan for our lives.

Michael Powell​ and Patti Sills-Trausch
Contemplation in the Desert
The Contemplation in the Desert program enables participants to be introduced to contemplative prayer and reflection as we consider our relationship to all of God’s creation. The program consists of an opening prayer, land acknowledgement, a shared reading from Laudato Si: Care for Our Common Home, and a short reading to prepare for the time of stillness and "wandering."
Then, an extended time is given to wander the Franciscan Renewal Center grounds, possibly finding a spot to sit in stillness and listen for the quiet voice of God as you open your heart and pay attention with your soul. After this time period, all will regather, share with one another our experiences, and close with a short reading. St. Francis of Assisi considered all of God’s creatures his brothers and sisters. Spending contemplative prayer-time in nature can help us come to a similar awareness.

James Renn, Vatican Observatory Foundations
The Vatican Observatory, A Legacy of Faith and Science
Officially, the Vatican Observatory traces its beginning to 1582 when the Jesuit Father Christopher Clavius helped Pope Gregory XIII reform the calendar.
But the inspiration for the Vatican Observatory comes from St. Ignatius Loyola, who founded the Jesuit order in 1540. Ignatius would spend hours on his balcony in Rome gazing at the night sky in awe of the beauty of God’s creation.
Learn about the history of the Vatican Observatory and how our Catholic faith does not contradict real science.
Book Recommendations: When Science Goes Wrong: The Desire and Search for Truth by Guy Consolmagno SJ and Christopher M. Graney and Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial? by Guy Consolmagno SJ and Paul Mueller

Brother Antonio Leuvano, OFM
A Vision of Hope in the Life of St. Francis
Book Recommendations: Francis of Assisi and His Conversions by Pierre Brunette and
Poverty and Joy by William J. Short OFM

Abigail Standish
Called to Charity and Justice
During her presentation, Abigail will explore two main questions- why are we called to uplift the dignity of each person and how can we live out this calling. Focusing on the balance of justice and charity, she will discuss how scripture, papal documents, and church teaching emphasize and influence our call.

Jack Toth
Christlike Leadership Principles for Young Adults
This interactive workshop will enhance your Leadership skills. Believe it not, we are all leaders… no matter your age…no matter where you are on your journey of life… we all have leadership roles to play. In this workshop we will discuss: the definition of leadership; characteristics of good and not so good leaders; leaders you admire; leadership styles with an emphasis on Servant Leadership; leadership opportunities for young adults in profit and nonprofit organizations….and much more! If you are interested in becoming the Best Leader you can be, this workshop is for you!
Book Recommendation: Lead Like Jesus Revisited: Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time by Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges