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Casa Faith Formation Newsletter

September 3, 2023


Introducing Fred Mercadante, the new Director of Faith Formation:

A note from Fred:


For those of you who regularly read these weekly newsletters, you may have already noticed two things:


  1. We are now referring to ourselves as "Casa Faith Formation."  (In the past, we were "Family Faith Formation.")  Although family faith formation is indeed a major part of our ministry, we want to be clear to the whole community that what we offer is for EVERYONE and that faith formation is lifelong and ongoing.  

  2. This newsletter is now connected to our portal.  For better or worse, we live in an online culture, and so we are going to make use of our technological skills to help us communicate as effectively as possible.  Plus, offering this newsletter as a part of our portal gives you the opportunity to navigate to the parts of Casa Faith Formation that interest you the most.


Going forward, expect the following format:

  • A note from Fred

  • In Spotlight (something that we want to bring to your immediate attention)

  • Upon Reflection (a weekly Gospel reflection that isn't too "churchy.")

  • Upcoming Events for each of our ministries.


As I mentioned in the above video, I'm really excited to be here, I'm thrilled to be working with such dedicated ministers in Donna & Cheryl, and I look forward to meeting everyone of you!



PS:  I promise that my futures notes will not be as long as this one!


In Spotlight:



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If you have the invite, please RSVP.  If not, please contact Fred



Donna Kinzie

Family Faith Formation Administration

Sacrament Preparation Ministry

Family Catechesis Ministry

480 355-0344


Cheryl Hentz

Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Young Family & Infant Baptism Ministry

480 306-4817


Director of Faith Formation

480 355-0359

Fred Mercadante

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