Want help learning more about or implementing any of these traditions?
Contact Cheryl. She will be more than happy to talk with you. cheryl@thecasa.org.
A Lenten Journey Series by Fr. Michael Himes:
Program 1: What is Temptation Really?
Program 2: Danger & Desire
Program 3: God Sees Into the Heart
Program 4: Endless Possibilities

There are so many choices for Lent! Here are just a few to share with you. (from Loyola Press, Catholic Icing, Catholic Sprouts, and Catholic Homebody). Do not discount titles that say they are for children. There are many ideas in there that can be adapted for adults and teens too. Pick something that speaks to you and your family.

Pre-Lent Celebration and Contmeplation
Mardi Gras - Shrove Tuesday - Carnival
History: Time for eating up all the meat and rich foods before Lent began. People threw big parties and everyone brought food to share.
Here are a few articles and resources about Catholic Mardi Gras!
​Let the Good Times Roll? Mardi Gras and the Liturgical Life from UND
Mardi Gras from Simply Catholic
Celebrate Mardi Gras from Teaching Catholic Kids
Guide to Fat Tuesday from Dynamic Catholic
These celebrations occur during the winter Ordinary Time season which is primarily Green!
Pre-Lent Examination of Conscience
Don't know what to "give up" for Lent? Try some of these.
Before Lent begins, take time to pray and talk to God
What is keeping me from having a closer relationship with him?
What obstacles do I have in relationships with other people?
How can I get more connected with creation?
Other Examinations of Conscience​
From Busted Halo​
Several from USCCB
Bury the Alleluia!
During Lent, we do not sing the Alleluia at Mass!
So, bury it! Get some letters out and bury the word "Alleluia" in a pot of dirt or the yard! Read more about this pre-Lent tradition here.

Recipes to try!
King Cake
Several recipes from King Arthur Baking ​
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes
Traditional UK pancakes and so much more from Christina' Cucina ​
Polish paczki ​
​Traditional Polish Pączki (Doughnuts) from Spruce Eats
What other pre-Lent food traditions do you know of?

Ash Wednesday - February 14!

Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation, yet it is a special moment in our Church calendar to celebrate.
Best way to experience Ash Wednesday is at a church service.
However, if you are unable to get to a church for Ash Wednesday, don't miss out! There are meaningful ways to celebrate at home. Check out these suggestions from Aleteia